Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Make" an awesome Forge Map!

As many of you may know, I am an exceptional Forger. I have made everything from ships to restaurants, and none of my maps have ever failed to be fun and impressive.
Now, currently I have 2 big Forge projects in development that will change the way you think of Forge forever. But I need to take a break from those, to kind of refresh my creativity and look at new styles of maps. I was thinking one day, "why not use my forging to help someone?", and decided to host a contest. So here it is...
The Official NC Dream Map Contest
The purpose of this event is to allow someone whose forging skills are not so hot to be able to create a map that will be adored by their friends and even enemies! Whoever wins will have their map built from the ground up by me and my team. We will build nearly everything, then bring in the winner and allow them to place the final block. Afterwards, all rights to the map will go to the winner, and none of us will take any credit for it whatsoever.
  • you can't ask for modded maps or elements (illegal material).
  • no gun art, only fully playable maps.
  • any NSFW material will be denied.
  • the map will only be on Foundry.


  • a map designed by yours truly.
  • a special spot reserved on my friends list over Xbox Live.
  • a special membership for NinjaCritic.
  • a chance to observe my 2 secret projects.


And that's all there is to it! I should probably come out and say that if you post your ideas on the comments box, they WILL NOT BE VALID. Just use the email like you're supposed to, ok? :)

Contest ends on August 1st, 2008. Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.